Coming from South Africa, Suretha Krahtz knows what discrimination means. She began her carrier with fighting against it in the post-Apartheid period. “In 1994, I was involved in employment equity...
Coming from South Africa, Suretha Krahtz knows what discrimination means. She began her carrier with fighting against it in the post-Apartheid period. “In 1994, I was involved in employment equity...
Many managers struggle with addressing performance or attitude problems in their teams. Mostly for good reasons, let’s be honest: the exercise is difficult, not pleasant and sensitive. It takes time,...
En signant la Charte de la Diversité, VISTIM veut agir en faveur de la Diversité et de l’Inclusion. Les Ressources Humaines ont une responsabilité particulière dans ce domaine puisqu’ils sont...
Le processus de gestion des salaires est un élément central de la fonction Ressources Humaines (RH), car il impacte directement les collaborateurs et la conformité légale de l’entreprise. Voici une...
Mener sur base régulière une enquête d’engagement est un point de départ essentiel pour les RH afin d’identifier et de prioriser les sujets à inclure dans le programme stratégique visant...
In the dynamic landscape of business, companies often encounter unforeseen challenges that require immediate attention. These challenges can range from organizational restructuring to employee leaving the organisation , and the...
The social elections took place on 12 March. We had the honour of successfully accompanying several companies in this democratic exercise and of chairing several polling stations. In Luxembourg as...
Attirer les talents devient compliqué pour un nombre croissant d’entreprises et de métiers. Virginie Boyard et Gérard Sinnes ont profité du salon HR Lux Trade Fair pour partager leur expertise...
In a few days, we will celebrate the International Women’s day. It is a good opportunity to review the movement for diversity and the one against discrimination in the workplace....
A partir du 2 avril 2024, le Centre commun de la sécurité sociale (CCSS) met à jour certaines procédures concernant la déclaration de l’activité professionnelle à l’étranger. Ces nouvelles procédures...