Designated Worker. Mission: possible
As an employer, you have the duty to provide a safe workplace to your employees. You have to take all the necessary measures to protect them from any work related...
As an employer, you have the duty to provide a safe workplace to your employees. You have to take all the necessary measures to protect them from any work related...
Actively fighting against Harassment is no longer a « nice to have » for business. It is mandatory since the 29 of March. Juliane Nitsche is THE harassment prevention expert in Luxembourg....
Ambitions de carrière oubliées faute de temps, objectifs irréalistes, feedback peu clair… C’est le genre de scénarios auxquels les employés sont régulièrement confrontés lorsque l’évaluation de leurs performances est mal...
Nous avons rencontré Sébastien Berthelot, CEO de Moovee, une jeune société qui propose des solutions de mobilités innovantes. Moovee a démarré ses activités en 2018 avec l’ambition de devenir un...
International Women’s Day is commemorated in a variety of ways worldwide; it is a public holiday in several countries, and observed socially or locally in others to celebrate and promote...
The payroll process involves calculating and distributing the correct amount of money to employees for the hours they have worked, as well as any other forms of compensation, such as...
Nous avons tous déjà entendu parler de maltraitance. Malheureusement. Mais comment pourrait-on définir son contraire? La bientraitance, pardi! Et la bonne nouvelle, c’est que ce terme est bien plus qu’une...
The end of the year is at the door and the new year is waiting for us with its promise of new challenges. What new trends should HR expect? What...
Whatever reward or career decisions you make (allocation of variable remuneration, promotions, salary increase…), they require the identification of the most deserving employees and therefore a thorough assessment of their...
Big change in view for company cars for 2025. The idea behind the new tax regulation is to foster low emission and electric motorisation for company cars and to prepare...