Dirk, what is your definition of leadership ? Let me start answering your question by asking two counter-questions. Why do you think are most corporate leadership programs not as successful...
Dirk, what is your definition of leadership ? Let me start answering your question by asking two counter-questions. Why do you think are most corporate leadership programs not as successful...
More than 70 people responded to VISTIM’s invitation and participated in an event that brought together experts and leaders to discuss engagement. The subject has become of crucial importance for...
The tremendous positive impact of a highly engaged workforce on sustainable performance, productivity, profitability, retention, customer satisfaction, absenteeism and much more is widely recognised and proven. However, few organisations have...
A bit of context… We frequently observe companies and their HR departments running complex and time-consuming processes, without benefits for the employee. Even more, the agenda of the HR department...
L’engagement des salariés a pris une dimension nouvelle ces derniers temps, avec un fort mouvement de « désengagement » prenant différentes formes. « Great Resignation » (la grande démission) ou non, les statistiques de...
Le harcèlement en entreprise est une réalité difficile encore à appréhender. Même si on observe une libération de la parole du côté des victimes, la visibilité sur le phénomène est...
Fait maison, juste pour vous ! Bénéficiez de notre expertise et découvrez les connaissances, méthodes et techniques et qui manquent à votre pratique RH… Nos “HR snacks” sont des formations...
GDPR has been in effect for 4 years and we all have heard about it. We have taken action to protect our client’s data because we know how much a...
In many circumstances, but especially at work, the first impression matters a lot. Offering a positive onboarding experience to your new employees will speed up their integration and contribute to...
En 2015, Gérard Sinnes et Virginie Boyard créaient VISTIM, avec l’ambition de proposer des services d’externalisation RH de A à Z. Le Cloud et son potentiel de virtualisation apportaient aux...